Fees 2024/2025
AUTUMN – SUMMER TERMS (inclusive) 2024 – 2025
DEPOSIT: £1500.00 - see terms and conditions and Parents-School Contract for full details.
5* £4818
4 £4684
3 £4401
*the numbers relate to the number of sessions per week and the charge per term
5 £834 - Friday lunches are only for those staying for an after school club.
4 £667
3 £500
2 £333.50
1 £167
**The lunch time pick up is 13.30
4 £3879
3 £3095
2 £2108
1 £1121
*** Please note, if staying for the full afternoon the delivered lunch fee is included in the afternoon fee and is not charged as an extra. We no longer offer a Packed Lunch option unless there are exceptional circumstances.
4 £ 4072.00
3 £ 3850.00
**** 12.30 – 15.30 - including lunch
£225.00 per term (this charge includes 10 sessions – often we are able to fit in more sessions but do not charge an additional fee for this).
PRE SCHOOL SESSIONS – 08.35 – 09.05 (over 3’s) and 09.30 (under 3’)
For the over 3’s – per term:
5 £425.00
4 £340.00
3 £255.00
2 £170.00
1 £85.00
For the under 3’s – per term:
5 £467.50
4 £382.50
3 £297.50
2 £212.50
1 £127.50
Fees are due within the last week of each term for the term ahead.
ie: The Autumn Term fees will be due in the first week of the July prior to the the Autumn term.
The Spring Term fees will be due in the first week of the December prior to the Spring term.
The Summer Term fees will be due in the end of March prior to the Summer term.
AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS – per club for the term: £220.00
A charge of £100.00 per week is incurred for late payment of fees.
We take the 2 year old eligibility funding and the FEEE Funding from the term after the children turn 3 years of age;
Our schools offer the 2 year old funding for working parents provided the Parents are eligible and have applied through the governemtn website and have provided the School with their unique eligibility code and renew this code as and when necessary, updating the School as they need to. The Parents will also need to accept and pay the additional Fees for the the 'Full and Agreed Additional Services Package' to benefit from this provosion at the Tadpoles Nursery Schools. Upon acceptance of the place the Parents agree to pay the additional school fees under the terms and conditions in the Parent-School contract.
Our school's offer the FEEE government funding for the 15 hours. The Parents will also need to accept and pay the additional Fees for the the 'Full and Agreed Additional Services Package' to benefit from this provosion at the Tadpoles Nursery Schools. Upon acceptance of the place the Parents agree to pay the additional school fees under the terms and conditions in the Parent-School contract.
Our School's offer the Extended 30 Hour Funding also to parents who meet the government eligibility guidelines and have applied through the governemtn website and have provided the School with their unique eligibility code and renew this code as and when necessary, updating the School as they need to. The Parents will also need to accept and pay the additional Fees for the the 'Full and Agreed Additional Services Package' to benefit from this provosion at the Tadpoles Nursery Schools. Upon acceptance of the place the Parents agree to pay the additional school fees under the terms and conditions in the Parent-School contract.
Children who take a place at our schools when they qualify as a 2, 3 or 4 year old, will receive the universal 15 hour basic free offer provided parents accept the 'Full and Agreed Additional Services Package'. The 'Full and Agreed Additional Services Package' includes but is not limited to the additional/extra time above the free offer that the children take educational services fomr the schools, our extra curricular classes and educational services and facilities, our peripatetic classes, our highly qualified staff and our high staff to child ratios that form an integral part of the unique Tadpoles Nursery School Ethos and Curriculum.
For parents who are looking for the FEEE Funded offer who do not wish to agree to the 'Full and Agreed Additional Services Package' please contact the RBKC Family Information Services to find an alternative provider who are able to offer an FEEE funded only place.
For further information please click here;
We take Child Care Vouchers
We take Tax Free Child Care Payments
We have a limited number of Bursary Places available each year - if you would like to aplpy for one of these you must make your intent known to the Registrar upon application or as soon as the Parent becomes aware of their financial position.
We no longer accept new clients from Enjoy Benefits